We practice Soto Zen Buddhism in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. Our founding teachers Jintei Harold Little Roshi and Etsudo Patty Krahl Roshi brought this practice to the Rogue Valley in 1993.
Zen Buddhism is grounded in the daily practice of zazen and in the activities of everyday life. Maintaining a garden, working, cooking, raising children — these are rich fields for Zen practice.
Discover what Zen Buddhism is by directly experiencing zazen for yourself. Show up and see what happens. People join our sangha from
all faith traditions and all walks of life. Everyone is welcome. We sit zazen weekday mornings, Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings. Full
Weekly Schedule
Our community is led by Kigetsu Ramana Waymire and Tendo Stacy Waymire. Our daily practice, sesshins, retreats and dharma are open to everyone living in the Rogue Valley and beyond. Ashland Zen Center is a place of spiritual dicovery and refuge for real people living in the real world.
We are located at 740 Tolman Creek Road in Ashland, Oregon.
COVID vaccination is required. May all beings live in safety and be free from suffering.
A beginner's welcome and introduction to Zen Practice is offered at Ashland Zen Center on Wednesday nights and select Sunday mornings.
Offered throughout the year on Wednesday night except when noted or when the Zen Center is closed.
6:15 pm zazen instruction after which you join the Wednesday evening program
7:10 pm zazen
7:40 pm service
7:50 pm dharma talk followed by tea and treat
Offered on three Sunday mornings in 2025 | January 19 | May 4 | October 5
8:00 am zazen instruction after which you join the Sunday morning program
8:50 am zazen
9:30 am service
10:00 am soji
10:30 am buffet breakfast (potluck)
Anyone can meditate. Whether or not you are flexible, have the ability to sit cross-legged, or can get up and down off the floor on your knees does not limit you. If you wish to sit zazen, do it.