Half-Day Sittings are an opportunity to deepen practice in a half-day of immersion in Zen Buddhism with teachers and a sangha.
The morning will include zazen (seated meditation), kinhin (walking meditation), service and an oryoki meal. Oryoki instruction is required for all those new to oryoki and will be offered on Saturday, February 15. Zazen instruction is required for those new to Ashland Zen Center. Zazen instruction is offered every Wednesday evening at 6:15 pm. The date closest to the Half-Day Sitting is Wednesday, February 12th. Register here
Dokusan is a private meeting with a teacher to ask practice questions and present understanding. Dokusan will be available; sign up on the dokusan board when you arrive. The dokusan board is in the hallway of the zendo building.
Registration is $30. Your contribution is an important portion of the Religious Education funds that sustain our practice. Payment can be mailed, delivered or paid below via PayPal.
The menu will be vegetarian. We adhere to Buddha's teaching of 'no picking and choosing' and we are unable to cater to food preferences. List medical dietary restrictions (e.g. diabetes or pregnancy) on your registration form and the tenzo (head cook) will be sure to keep you nourished.
Registration is open until February 9
6:00 am zazen
6:40 am kinhin
6:50 am zazen
7:30 am service
8:00 am oryoki breakfast
9:00 am break/cleanup
10:00 am zazen
10:30 am kinhin
10:40 am zazen
11:10 am kinhin
11:20 am zazen
11:50 am service
12:00 am end